Professional infographics by Modesto Carrasco Castro

07/27/2016 - ⇨ 

Professional interactive infographics made with Hype.

Written by: Modesto Juan Carrasco Castro 

When in 2011 the editors of El Mundo decided to create a version of the newspaper for tablets, I discovered Hype. Until then only interactive infographics were made to the web in flash. Since then I have continued to make interactive infographics.

Hype allows me to reuse graphics on paper svg exporting images.


Dragon successor

Dragon successor. When NASA decided to suspend shuttle missions several private companies were nominated with their models of spaceships. Comparison between them.




A Spanish invention for surfers. Continuous wave. That’s how it works.



Base on the Moon

This could be a permanent base and the build robot




The spacecraft studying gravitational waves in the L1 Lagrange point



by: Modesto Juan Carrasco Castro